Controversial ceremony held aboard USS Missouri by the USS Missouri Memorial Association. Although the ceremony was designed to honor the first Commanding Officer of the ship, Captain William M.. Callaghan, USN, some reports in Japanese newspapers said the ceremony was to honor the Japanese kamikaze pilot that crashed Missouri in 1945. The follow statement was made by retired Captain Don Hess (ret.), COO of the Missouri Association.”AlohaAs you may be aware, an erroneous news story has been circulated stating that the USS Missouri Memorial Association is hosting a ceremony to honor kamikaze pilots. I want to personally assure you that story is false. I have attached for you a press release that accurately describes the special ceremony being held April 12 to honor Captain William M. Callaghan, the Missouri’s first commanding officer. A story was published March 19 in Japan’s Kyoto News and posted by AOL’s web site that completely misrepresents the intent of the ceremony, contains several key errors, and misquotes me. On behalf of the Association, I apologize for any consternation this may have caused for you and your family. I can also assure you that the Battleship Missouri Memorial is and always will be an enduring tribute to the brave men and women of our Armed Forces who protect America and its freedom. As a veteran and retired Navy captain, I would not accept it any other way. As an historical visitor attraction, everything about the “Mighty Mo” speaks to the pride and honor that this great battleship symbolizes for our nation and its people. Our visitors are genuinely touched by the significance of its presence in Pearl Harbor and close proximity to the USS Arizona Memorial. Each year we host public ceremonies to honor the sacrifices and triumphs of America’s veterans on Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and September 2, the anniversary of Japan’s surrender to end World War II. We do this to remind the public that freedom comes with a price. Since its arrival in June 1998, the Missouri has been the site of more than 4,000 military ceremonies, including commissioning, re-enlistments, retirements and promotions. The use of the battleship for these ceremonies is provided to service members free of charge as a small gesture of our thanks for their duty and commitment to America. Like you, we care deeply about veterans and the contributions they and their families have made for our country. I hope this answers any concerns you may have had about the Association and the ceremony that is taking place on April 12. Most sincerely, Don Hess, Captain, USN (ret), Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, USS Missouri Memorial Association (The USS Missouri is now a Memorial and Museum and berthed in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii near the Arizona Memorial).

Thursday 9/19
Check-in time is 3:00 PM or later, but the Hospitality Room will be open and manned at 1:30 PM. Please come to the Hospitality Room upon arrival to check in with the USS Missouri host to receive everything you will need for the reunion. If your room is not ready when you arrive, you may store your luggage in the Hospitality Room until it is ready. The evening meal will be on our own, but there will be shipmates who can give you directions to area restaurants. The Hospitality Room will be open that evening until midnight for your enjoyment
Friday 9/20
We are working to get a ride to the Capital to view the model of USS Missouri BB-63. We may also potentially be able to meet
with the Governor while we are there. The hospitality room will be open. The auction begins at 7:00 PM of special items. Prior to that will be an opportunity for you to bring your cruise book or any other special items from USS Missouri that you think others would like to see. Please respect all memorabilia, for it belongs to one of your shipmates. This will be from 8:00 – 9:00 PM.
Saturday Morning 9/21
The Association Executive Committee will meet at 9:00 AM, followed by the General Business meeting at 10:00 AM. Everyone is encouraged to attend the General meeting. We will vote on the locations for the 2025, 2026 and 2027 reunions. Only members can vote, so make sure to pay your dues before Saturday. If you have any questions about either meeting or Plan of the Day please
contact Jerry Miller or Larry Geyer. The Hospitality Room will be open from 12:00 noon until 4:30 PM.
Saturday Evening 9/21
The Banquet Room will open at 6:00 PM with a cash bar. All shipmates are encouraged to attend. This is your opportunity to dress up and have your photo taken. Dress will be semi-formal (west coast.) At 6:30 PM, all will take their seat and the Memorial Services will commence.
Directly following the Memorial Services, the meal will be served. There will be recognition of some of our
shipmates following the meal. The banquet will end around 9:30 PM. Once the banquet is complete, we will
move to the Hospitality Room.
Sunday 9/22
Breakfast for Missouri hotel guest and say our farewells… until next reunion.
Three things you need to do to attend the reunion:
Be a member of the Association. Click here to pay your dues online or at the reunion.
Register for the reunion online!
Or, print and fill out this form, write a check and send it to:
Jerry Miller • 205 Hollis St. • Bono, AR 72416
Reserve your room at Capital Plaza: (573) 635-1234
The deadline for hotel reservations is August 19.
Thanks to all our shipmates in advance, for making this a great reunion!