Learn the History
World War 2

- Jan 1944
- Apr 1944
- Jun 1944
- Jun 1944
- Jul 1944
- Jul 1944
- Jul 1944
- Aug 1944
- Dec 1944
- Jan 1945
- Feb 1945
- Feb 1945
- Feb 1945
- Mar 1945
- Apr 1945
- Apr 1945
- May 1945
- May 1945
- May 1945
- Jun 1945
- Jun 1945
- Jun 1945
- Jul 1945
- Aug 1945
- Aug 1945
- Sep 1945
- Sep 1945
USS Missouri BB-63 Launched in the Brooklyn Navy Yard.
Missouri (the last Battleship built by the United States) was christened by Miss Mary Margaret Truman daughter of the Senior Senator from Missouri, Harry Truman. Miss Janet T. Lingo acted as Maid of Honor. In his comments, Mr. Truman said, “The time is surly coming when the people of Missouri..Read More
Pre-commissioning detail for Battleship Missouri
Pre-commissioning detail for Battleship Missouri and other smaller ships, at Newport, Rhode Island. Rumor had it that Battleship Missouri was destined to be an outstanding ship and 3,000 officers requested duty aboard her! At Newport, most of Missouri’s crew assembled for specialized training, fire fighting and other schools and rapidly..Read More
Completing Ship’s Complement
While some of her crew were already aboard Battleship Missouri, handling pre-commissioning duties, 1,500 officers and men came from Newport, by ship and by train, to complete the ship’s complement.
The United States Ship Missouri is commissioned in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Senator Harry Truman (later Vice President & president) attending and Captain William M. Callaghan, USN, Commanding Officer. Plank owners numbered 2,451.
Sail to South America
Missouri departed Norfolk for battle practice, drill and shakedown cruise, heading for Gulf of Paria, South America. She arrives on August 25 at Port of Spain Trinidad. The ensuing weeks are spent on extensive drills and battle practice with an occasional “break” on the beach.
Missouri and Pearl Harbor
On December 18, Missouri heads to Pearl Harbor in Task Unit 12.7.1 with destroyers Bailey and Terry. On December 24 (Merry Christmas), Missouri moored at berth F-2, Ford Island, Pearl Harbor.
Task Force Group 58.2
USS Missouri (BB-63) underway as part of Task Force Group 58.2, which includes the carriers Lexington, Hancock and San Jacinto, the Battleship Wisconsin and destroyers. The Group joined on air strikes against Tokyo and on February 19, supported the invasion of Iwo Jima and more air strikes against the Tokyo..Read More
Missouri in Iwo Jima
After refueling, Missouri, along with carriers, headed for Iwo Jima, giving direct support to the invasion landings. Stiff Japanese opposition. Air alert at 1900. Japanese bombers overhead. At 1930, several small groups of “Bogies” were picked up by radar and ‘condition one’ was set. As bogies closed in, Air Defense..Read More
Missouri in Okinawa
USS Missouri (BB-63) as part of Task Group 58.2, joined on air strikes against Okinawa. Missouri assigned to Task Group 59. Night 16 inch practice firing and war maneuvers. Task Force 59 returns to Ulithi and Missouri is assigned to USS Yorktown carrier task group. Missouri departed Ulithi setting course..Read More
Crew Go Overboard
USS Missouri loses three men over the side in a terrible storm. Two men are recovered by Mo while the third is picked up by a destroyer. Battleship New Jersey nearly rams Missouri, by accident. Later, New Jersey rams destroyer USS Franks and carrier escort USS Langley almost hits Missouri...Read More
Kamikaze Hits Ship
Missouri opens fire on low flying suicide planes. Despite the curtain of shells and Missouri scoring many hits, a Japanese pilot came through crashing just below the main deck on the starboard side near turret three. The enemy’s body smashed into a floater net storage on the shield of a..Read More
Missouri arrives at Ulithi on May 9. On May 14, Captain William M. Callaghan, USN is replaced by Captain Stuart S. Murray, USN, who assumed command of Missouri. At the ceremony of transfer, Captain Callaghan repeated some words he used at Missouri’s commissioning: “Be loyal to God, who created you;..Read More
Missouri arrived at Apra Harbor, Guam where Admiral William F. Halsey, Jr, USN, Commander Third Fleet, hoisted his flag and Missouri became his flagship. Missouri arrived at Apra Harbor, Guam where Admiral William F. Halsey, Jr, USN, Commander Third Fleet, hoisted his flag and Missouri became his flagship.
The memorable typhoon in the Ryuku Islands, Okinawa area. Typhoon continues with these ships badly damaged: USS Indiana, USS Massachusetts, USS Alabama, USS Missouri, USS Hornet, USS Bennington, USS Belleau Wood, USS San Jacinto, USS Windham Bay, USS Salamana, USS Bougainville, USS Attu, plus cruisers, destroyers and destroyer escorts. Battleship..Read More
Missouri Arrives in Leyte
Missouri arrived in San Pedro Bay, Leyte, the Philippines, after three months of continuous operations in support of the Okinawa campaign. Here, she prepared to lead the mighty Third Fleet in strikes at the heart of Japan, from within it’s home waters.
Okinawa Ends
The battle for Okinawa officially ended with 12,520 Americans and 110,000 Japanese killed in the 81 day campaign.
V-J Day
President Harry Truman announced that Japan had surrendered unconditionally, ending World War II. Japan accepted the provisions of the Potsdam Declaration and agreed to surrender. At 0540, after Admiral Halsey received word from Pacific Fleet Commander in Chief Admiral Nimitz, all air strikes were recalled. At 1100, battle flags were..Read More
Plan of the Day, September 2 1945 Deck Log, September 2 1945 “At 0700, over 170 newsmen and cameramen boarded Missouri from destroyer Buchanan. For an hour high ranking military officials from all the Allied Powers boarded Missouri from other destroyers and small craft. Admiral Nimitz boarded shortly after 0800..Read More
The Long Trip Home
9/7/1945 Missouri departed from Tokyo Bay 9/13/1945 Missouri arrives at Guam, brought on stores and over 400 veteran passengers and unloaded excess supplies. 9/15/1945 Missouri underway from Guam, homeward bound via Pearl Harbor, unescorted. 9/20/1945 Missouri arrives at Pearl Harbor. 9/29/1945 Missouri departs Pearl Harbor. 10/13/1945 Missouri transited the Panama..Read More
Korean War

- Jun 1950
- Aug 1950
- Sep 1950
- Oct 1950
- Dec 1950
- Jan 1951
- Apr 1951
- Aug 1951
- Sep 1952
- Nov 1952
- Dec 1952
- Mar 1953
- Apr 1953
- Jul 1953
Korean War Begins
Korean War begins as forces from the communist North invade the South. President Harry Truman ordered the Air Force and Navy into the Korean conflict after a call from the UN Security Council for members to help South Korea repel an invasion from North Korea south of the 38th parallel...Read More
Prepare to Reengage
Missouri is alerted to prepare for reassignment. First Marine Brigade fights along Obong-ni Ridge in Korea. Missouri, after five days of intensive replenishing and re-arming, at Norfolk, sailed for Korea, to support United Nations forces fighting communist aggression. Missouri experienced a cruel tropical storm that caused some damage topside. Missouri..Read More
Missouri Joins United Nations Forces in Kyushu, Japan
Missouri sailed from Pearl Harbor for Sasebo, Japan. Steaming about 10,000 miles, Missouri joined United Nations Forces west of Kyushu, Japan, becoming flagship of Rear Admiral A. E. Smith. The first American battleship to reach Korean waters, Missouri bombarded Samchok, in a diversionary move coordinated with the Inchon landings. United..Read More
Becomes Flagship of Rear Admiral J.M. Higgins
Missouri at Inchon, Korea, became flagship of Rear Admiral J. M. Higgins, Commander Cruiser Division Five. Missouri arrives at Sasebo, Japan, where she became flagship of Vice Admiral A. D. Struble, commanding the US Seventh Fleet. 1st Marine Division commences embarking at Inchon for landings at Wonsan, Korea. Missouri along..Read More
Missouri in Hungnam
Missouri is called to the support of the redeployment of the Tenth Corps from Hungnam, giving continuous fire support. Missouri remained the protector, bombarding until the last defense units left the beaches of Hungnam. This brought to a close fifty two consecutive days of sustained operations by Missouri. Missouri is..Read More
Seoul Falls
During the Korean conflict, North Korean and Communist Chinese forces captured the city of Seoul.
MacArthur Relieved of Duties
President Harry Truman relieved General Douglas MacArthur of his command in the Far East. General Douglas MacArthur, relieved of his Far East command by President Harry S. Truman, bid farewell to Congress, quoting a line from a ballad: “Old soldiers never die; they just fade away.”
Peace Treaty with Japan, Missouri goes to Norfolk
8/3/1951 Missouri underway with four destroyers. She carried over 1,000 Midshipmen to further their training as prospective naval officers. 9/8/1951 A Peace Treaty with Japan, for WW II, was signed by 48 other nations in San Francisco. 10/18/1951 Missouri enters the Norfolk Naval Shipyard for an overhaul and upkeep period...Read More
Missouri Back to Korea
9/16/1952 Missouri transits the Panama Canal to Pacific Ocean enroute to Far East. 10/4/1952 Task Force 77 aircraft encounter MIG-15 aircraft for the first time. 10/17/1952 Missouri arrives Yokosuka Naval Base, Japan. Moored along side USS Iowa BB-61. 10/18/1952 VADM. J. J. Clark, Com 7th Fleet, shifts flag to USS..Read More
Chaho-Tanchon to Chongjin
11/2/1952 Missouri hit the Chaho-Tanchon area with fierce gun-strikes for another five days. 11/7/1952 Missouri leaves combat zone of Korea for Japan. 11/14/1952 After replenishing, Missouri left Sasebo, Japan for Korea. She received by helicopter, Lt. General W. K. Harrison and Rear Admiral J. C. Daniel, members of the Advance..Read More
Gun Strikes in Wonsan
3/22/1953 Missouri on gun strikes, Wonsan, Korea. Received return firing from shore; no hits and shore batteries silenced by 5in/38 firing. 3/26/1953 Missouri enters Sasebo for final visit. Captain W. R. Edsall suffers heart attack on bridge as ship enters harbor. Navigator takes the con and calls medical officer to..Read More
Captain Brodie Takes Command
4/4/1953 Change of Command at Yokosuka. Captain Brodie takes command after Captain Edsalls death. 4/5/1953 USS New Jersey moors along side Missouri in Yokosuka. COM7th Fleet shifts flag to New Jersey. 4/7/1953 Missouri departs Yokosuka enroute to Pearl Harbor and home port, Norva. Supply Officer later reported the Big Mo..Read More
Peace Time

- Aug 1953
- Dec 1954
- Aug 2023
Persian Gulf

- May 1984
- Jun 1985
- Jan 1986
- May 1986
- Jul 1986
- Jul 1986
- Oct 1987
- Jul 1988
- Apr 1989
- Jan 1991
- Jan 1991
- Apr 1991
- Mar 1992
- Apr 2021
Prepares for Recomissioning
5/14/1984 Missouri, under tow, leaves Bremerton, WA for Long Beach, CA Naval Shipyard for preparations for recommissioning. 8/11/1984 Missouri dry-docked at the Long Beach Naval Shipyard in preparation of recommissioning. 1/1/1985 Missouri dry docked at the Long Beach Naval Shipyard to March 22. On September 12, the Missouri was placed..Read More
TWA Flight 847
On day two of the hijacking of TWA Flight 847, gunmen forced the jetliner to fly from Algeria to Lebanon, where the hijackers killed one of the passengers, US Navy diver Robert D. Stethem. A USS Missouri Memorial Service was held at his grave site in Arlington National Cemetery during..Read More
5/6/1986 Missouri moored at San Francisco. On May 10, Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger placed the Missouri into commission. Captain Albert Lee Kaiss, USN assumed command. 5/10/1986 Moored at San Francisco, Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger placed the Missouri into commission for the second time. Captain Albert L. Kaiss, USN,..Read More
Heading to Australia
7/7/1986 Missouri anchored off the Naval Weapons Station, Seal Beach, while taking on ammunition. 7/28/1986 Missouri under way off San Clemente Island for naval gunfire support qualification. 8/4/1986 Missouri alternately under way off southern California for refresher training and anchored off San Diego and Coronado. 9/19/1986 Missouri en route to..Read More
On the Way to North Arabian Sea
7/10/1987 Missouri under way along with the cruisers Long Beach and Bunker Hill and destroyers, in the southern California operating area while participating in READIEX 87-5. 7/25/1987 Missouri en route to the Philippine Islands as part of Task Group 30.7, which also included cruisers Long Beach and Bunker Hill, oiler..Read More
10/13/1987 The Navy Memorial is dedicated in Washington, DC. 12/9/1987 Missouri anchored at Freemantle, Australia. 12/22/1987 Missouri moored in Sydney, Australia. 1/1/1988 Missouri underway en route to Pearl Harbor in company with the Bunker Hill, Kansas City and Leftwich. 1/10/1988 Missouri moored at Pearl Harbor. 2/17/1988 LtCol. William Higgins, an..Read More
Chernesky Becomes Commanding Officer
7/6/1988 Missouri moored in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Captain John J. Chernesky, USN, relieved Captain James A. Carney, USN, as commanding officer of the Missouri. 7/8/1988 Missouri under way for Exercise RimPac æ88 in the Hawaiian operating area. 7/26/1988 Missouri en route to Long Beach from exercises in Hawaii. 8/24/1988 Missouri..Read More
USS Iowa’s Turret Explodes
4/19/1989 USS Iowa’s number 2 turret explodes during tests off Puerto Rico; 47 crew members die. 4/19/1989 Aboard USS Iowa (BB-61), 47 sailors were killed when the 16″ turret two exploded. 4/25/1989 Missouri moored at Long Beach Naval Shipyard. 5/24/1989 Missouri underway off southern California for sea trials. 7/25/1989 Missouri..Read More
Heading to Persian Gulf
1/1/1991 Missouri en route to Persian Gulf 1/3/1991 Missouri transited the Straight of Hormuz. 1/5/1991 Missouri at anchor at Manama, Bahrain. 1/12/1991 A deeply divided congress gave President Bush the authority to wage war in the Persian Gulf. 1/16/1991 Operation Desert Storm to drive the Iraqi forces out and liberate..Read More
Cease Fire Ends the Persian Gulf War
4/11/1991 UN cease-fire ends the Persian Gulf War. 4/14/1991 Missouri moored in Hobart, Tasmania, most southern port ever visited by a battleship. 5/3/1991 Missouri moored at the Pearl Harbor Naval Station. 5/6/1991 Missouri enroute to Long Beach in company with the frigate Ford. 5/13/1991 Missouri moored at the Long Beach..Read More
The USS Missouri (BB-63) became the last battleship when she was decommissioned for the second time and re-entered the reserve fleet. Her last Commanding Officer, Captain Albert Lee Kaiss, USN was the last sailor to leave the ship and therefore became the “last battleship sailor.” All very true. I can..Read More
Controversial ceremony held aboard USS Missouri by the USS Missouri Memorial Association. Although the ceremony was designed to honor the first Commanding Officer of the ship, Captain William M.. Callaghan, USN, some reports in Japanese newspapers said the ceremony was to honor the Japanese kamikaze pilot that crashed Missouri in..Read More