The Long Trip Home

9/7/1945 Missouri departed from Tokyo Bay
9/13/1945 Missouri arrives at Guam, brought on stores and over 400 veteran passengers and unloaded excess supplies.
9/15/1945 Missouri underway from Guam, homeward bound via Pearl Harbor, unescorted.
9/20/1945 Missouri arrives at Pearl Harbor.
9/29/1945 Missouri departs Pearl Harbor.
10/13/1945 Missouri transited the Panama Canal. After a travel of 100,000 miles, Missouri drew closer and closer to her “home port.”
10/19/1945 Missouri arrives at Norfolk midst blowing whistles and bands that played all over the Chesapeake Bay area. First leave party begins, but most of the party remained on board for the trip to New York the following day. This was done to save the carfare to New York, but these men had to perform their duties anyway.
10/22/1945 Missouri arrived off Long Island in very thick fog and almost collided with a submarine that had surfaced. The Captain decided to chance it after a long delay. As the Mighty Mo neared Fort Hamilton, now under the Verrazano Bridge, whistles and horns blew. Car horns blasted from the highways. Crowds of people waved and yelled. The fog began to lift in time for the crew to see, on the banks, a huge sign saying “WELL DONE.” Small boats with bands came out to meet the ship. Fire boats streamed water high into the air. And, Missouri finally docked at Pier 90, Hudson River, with a cheering crowd and a delay of almost 7 hours.
11/11/1945 First Missouri leave party returns to ship now docked at Bayonne, New Jersey. Second leave party goes out.
11/12/1945 Missouri leaves Bayonne and is moored at Brooklyn Navy Yard, her birth place, for a long overdue overhaul.