Task Force Bombs Tokyo

Task Force Bombs Tokyo

Missouri at dawn, as first wave of carrier planes of Task Force 58 take off to bomb Tokyo with 1,500 Hellcats and Avengers taking part. No opposition from the Japanese. The Task Force was 100 miles off the enemy coast. US planes made five raids that day.

Task Force Group 58.2

USS Missouri (BB-63) underway as part of Task Force Group 58.2, which includes the carriers Lexington, Hancock and San Jacinto, the Battleship Wisconsin and destroyers. The Group joined on air strikes against Tokyo and on February 19, supported the invasion of Iwo...

Missouri and Pearl Harbor

On December 18, Missouri heads to Pearl Harbor in Task Unit 12.7.1 with destroyers Bailey and Terry. On December 24 (Merry Christmas), Missouri moored at berth F-2, Ford Island, Pearl Harbor.

Sail to South America

Missouri departed Norfolk for battle practice, drill and shakedown cruise, heading for Gulf of Paria, South America. She arrives on August 25 at Port of Spain Trinidad. The ensuing weeks are spent on extensive drills and battle practice with an occasional...