Missouri arrived in San Pedro Bay, Leyte, the Philippines, after three months of continuous operations in support of the Okinawa campaign. Here, she prepared to lead the mighty Third Fleet in strikes at the heart of Japan, from within it’s home waters.
The memorable typhoon in the Ryuku Islands, Okinawa area. Typhoon continues with these ships badly damaged: USS Indiana, USS Massachusetts, USS Alabama, USS Missouri, USS Hornet, USS Bennington, USS Belleau Wood, USS San Jacinto, USS Windham Bay, USS Salamana, USS...
Missouri arrived at Apra Harbor, Guam where Admiral William F. Halsey, Jr, USN, Commander Third Fleet, hoisted his flag and Missouri became his flagship. Missouri arrived at Apra Harbor, Guam where Admiral William F. Halsey, Jr, USN, Commander Third Fleet, hoisted his...
Missouri arrives at Ulithi on May 9. On May 14, Captain William M. Callaghan, USN is replaced by Captain Stuart S. Murray, USN, who assumed command of Missouri. At the ceremony of transfer, Captain Callaghan repeated some words he used at Missouri’s...